Introducing the Developer Network

The Developer Network is a loosely-coupled virtual network of consultants and independent model developers who collectively provide the skills and experience necessary to deliver client solutions using

The MDN gives members access to Consultant Edition and other components of our software catalogue at a fraction of the list price cost. Members will also gain access to previews of new products / features

Benefits for You

As a valued member of the MDN, we expect you to benefit in a number of ways:

  • Increased value in the marketplace due to expanded skill / experience set
  • Ability to differentiate yourself against your peers
  • Opportunity to work with extended range of clients, potentially in new territories
  • Access to modelling platform for research / personal development at significantly reduced cost to list price
  • Opportunity to share skills, experiences and assignments with the rest of the network

Benefits for Clients customers will benefit from the MDN in a number of ways:

  • Broader range of model development resources with different skills, experiences and price points
  • Opportunity to expand footprint into areas previously limited by resource availability
  • Access to resources with complementary skills - such as model migration expertise
  • More resources available to support big transformation projects


Please get in touch if you'd like more information about joining the MDN.